Regeneration Benefits

Scourie Rocks has the potential to reverse the results of demographic changes that have adversely impacted this rural area of the Highlands for many years.

These benefits will come in the form of jobs, educational opportunities and a wide range of microeconomic developments.

Designed with Community in Mind

The Scourie Rocks project is first and foremost focused on halting the effect of rural economic and social unsustainability by bringing forth the following benefits:

Local economy

  • Employment opportunities with a minimum of 9 new full-time positions at the centre.
  • The development of new tourist and, specifically, geo-tourism businesses.
  • 17,000 visitors generating £502,690 for the local economy (figures from Heritage Tourism Impact Report).
  • Increased footfall and dwell time of visitors
  • Increased spending due to greater numbers of people living and working in the area.

Community Sustainability

  • New employment opportunities.
  • New business opportunities.
  • Facility for use by local people, tourists and educationalists.
  • Increased number of young people attracted by jobs, tourism and educational opportunities.
  • Increased numbers of families moving to the area, aiding the sustainability of the local primary school.
  • Electric car and bike charging infrastructure.
  • Energy-efficient building heated using an air source heat pump.
  • Planning for an affordable housing project in progress.

Community Cohesion

  • Year-long access to the café for social and business purposes.
  • New public green space, including the outdoor geological walk and environmental restoration area.
  • Evening venue hire for club nights, meetings or parties.

Our project is ambitious. But it will be done.

Help us make Scourie a community where people desire to live, work and invest.

Funding for project management and a design team has been provided by The Duke of Westminster. This has enabled us to draw up the centre’s plans and secure full planning permission for the centre.

Our stakeholder group includes representatives of:

  • Grosvenor Family
  • The Shelley Family
  • North West Highlands GeoPark
  • Visit Scotland
  • NC 500
  • The Highland Council
  • HIE
  • Church of Scotland
  • Local Community
  • Kyle of Sutherland Development Trust
  • NatureScot
  • National Museum of Scotland

Scourie Rocks Presentation

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