Scourie has around 200 people with 126 households and 20 social housing properties. There is a waiting list of eighteen for affordable housing. With the number of holiday homes increasing, home ownership is becoming increasingly impossible for most young people. With funding secured from the Scottish Land Fund to purchase H1, land next to the primary school, and funding in place to cover the costs of design consultancy and planning fees, we can now progress towards constructing the much-needed affordable homes. The site has the capacity for up to 20 houses, the following planning applications to the Highland Council are currently being considered;
- Phase One – 9 houses with options to rent or for home ownership. Planning Reference 23/03975/FUL
- Phase Two – Up to an additional 10-12 houses over an area of 1.36ha. Planning Reference 23/03976/PIP
- Safe Parking – Providing a proactive solution to improve the school and visitor parking with the creation of 10 additional spaces. This will increase the safety of children and pedestrians and minimise the traffic at the new entrance to the affordable housing. Planning Reference 23/03977/FUL
Project delivery is heavily dependent on securing the £1.7million required to construct Phase One and the Secure Parking infrastructure; grant applications to the Rural Housing Fund, commercial lenders, and others will be made during late 2023